#NoCensorJo Porn, the phenomenon

I was always amazed by the Porn phenomenon, over its history across different mediums.

Its has placed internal personal conflict in many, who watch it, browse it yet feel very ashamed to share they do.

It’s consumption has put almost every society’s definition of government and its relation to personal freedoms to test.

It has been the door censorship creeps into a society using a religious moral cover at first before political corruption makes it’s false way into wider censorship in the name of patriotism too.

This a scenario Jordanians should be smart enough not to fall into, with the abundance of tools and services to make internet use safe for their children.

Follow and share your opinion in the Facebook campaign against consorting the internet in Jordant and/or follow #NoCensorJo tweets.

razan khatib

razan khatib

Playing at the intersection of culture, technology, and values. Trying to structure my thoughts and share experiences, learnings, and insights.
Amman, Jordan