Brighter discontent...

Where you want to be, you are not.

Where you want to be, is changing little in, little out.

It’s when reality and adulthood hit hard.

Disappointments are many.

And accomplishments are as many too.

It’s when you can suddenly tell so many stories of a past so rich.

It’s when you know from experience, how hard life can be and how in its randomness works.

It’s when you know, your comrades somehow face the same stuff as well.

It’s when the word flavors, has a totally different sound.

It’s when those bitter memories, adjust your outlook on things.

It’s when you are discontent with your status quo

And still think you have the well to change things differently.

Where you want to be, gets a new face-lift.

You’re discontent, yet brightly are.

razan khatib

razan khatib

Playing at the intersection of culture, technology, and values. Trying to structure my thoughts and share experiences, learnings, and insights.
Amman, Jordan