The Third Season of The Detour Podcast

The third season of The Detour Podcast is finally out!

Continuing on the positive feedback I received on the previous seasons, I started inviting guests and recording back in December 2022.

I managed to use better cameras this season which enabled the editing process to go much smoother. Also, I managed to upgrade the mics and mic arms.
Still, the production took a lot of time and I am hoping to use AI-powered editing tools for the 4th season next year to be more efficient! Maybe invite more than 6 guests, who knows. Also, i will get someone to help me out to be able to record myself better :-D

Enough of the geeky studio talk, you are here to watch/listen to the amazing stories this season's guests will share with us.

To support this effort, please share the episodes you found personally inspiring with your friends.



Listen to "The Detour Podcast: Season Three Trailer /بودكاست تحويلة: الموسم الثالث" on Spreaker.
The Detour Podcast: Randi Abdin
حديثي مع راندي عابدين عن بداية شغفها بالرقص والحركة ومسار حياتها مع كل التحويلات والاختيارات المختلفة A my conversation with Randi Abdin about the beginning of her passion for dance and movement, the road with all the detours and the different choices she made.

The Detour Podcast: Dr. Mary Kawar
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The Detour Podcast: Salua Qidan
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The Detour Podcast: Karim Arafat
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The Detour Podcast: Shireen Talhouni
حديثي مع شيرين التلهوني حول التحديات المجتمعيه لثقافة الرقص المعاصر وطريقها من هندسة العمارة الى تصميم الرقص My conversation with Shireen Talhouni about the signs that lead to a huge detour, and about the dance between defiance and acceptance.

The Detour Podcast: Nabil Tarazi
حديثي مع نبيل ترزي عن الرحلة التي غيرت حياته وعن السفر البديل والاستدامة. My conversation with Nabil Tarazi about the trip that changed his life, about alternative travel and sustainability.

razan khatib

razan khatib

Playing at the intersection of culture, technology, and values. Trying to structure my thoughts and share experiences, learnings, and insights.
Amman, Jordan