A collection of what I ended up writing in May. Scattered thinking is a trait of the times, so mind the jumps!
Settle for more, not less
People might change, but don’t count on it
Don’t tolerate behavior you find unacceptable
Voice your opinion with pride and conviction
Be critical, positively and sincerely
Some people grow up,
Some just mutate.
I belong to the second group.
What’s the point here?
To say i’ve just changed the past 15 years somehow doesn’t show the
Can the state invisible be associated not only with stuff you don’t see? Like
ones you can’t hear, can’t touch or can’t expect nor feel?
Thoughts for instance. Yet
My idols some 20 something years ago. Enjoy!
Kylie Minogue & Jason Donavan
George Micheal
I was with a dear friend today on our way to a meeting at some cafe. Trying to
catch up. Hyper me, was opening all sorts of subjects.
I told him I was
Where you want to be, you are not.
Where you want to be, is changing little in, little out.
It’s when reality and adulthood hit hard.
Disappointments are many.
And accomplishments are
I was just talking to my best friend, who happens to be my other muse on this
blog about pmsing and periods.
me: can someone be pmsing still after their period has just