Almost every month or few I hear of yet another someone who’s parent, uncle or
aunt got diagnosed with some form of Dementia, of which my own mother, her older
sister and
It’s the end of 2018 already and I am entering my mid 40’s.
I have decided not to bear children 20 something years ago and that never
changed. Yet my body
A flash forward is a fictitious phenomena conceived by Robert J. Sawyer
in his novel Flash Forward
I am not a believer of intentionality of existence, of fate nor the famous
saying “everything happens for a reason”
Life is way too random for any of that to make sense.
From age and experiences we gain a window into who we are, who we want, what we
like and what we don’t. What works and what doesn’t. What we stand or
Curtesy to living beyond early 30’s is your ability to dig behavioral patterns
from your own life.
Patterns that have brought you good experiences and ones that didn’t.
Excited, yet self-aware,
One has to understand what reality is to theirselves and to others.
From one side it’s so good for anyone to be able to create their own reality,
but end of the
Settle for more, not less
People might change, but don’t count on it
Don’t tolerate behavior you find unacceptable
Voice your opinion with pride and conviction
Be critical, positively and sincerely