Yammer: Twitter for business

Yammer.com a company which has just launched at TechCrunch50,  offers a service similar to twitter but aimed for business answering the basic question of “What are you working on?”

You can use your work email and invite other colleagues who have the same company domain to yammer together.

I think this is an excellent idea and I think it will be a huge success because it might be much more useful than twitter, people knowing what others are working on in the same company is very useful. Yes, I am more for “serious” apps! It will be great if in the future, Yammer can allow companies to befriend each other as well so you yammer with other teams you work with.

Razan Khatib

Razan Khatib

Playing at the intersection of culture, technology, and values. Trying to structure my thoughts and share experiences, learnings, and insights. Co-founder of @spring_apps
Amman, Jordan