WEBsessed finds a new home

Storytlr is closing down by the end of the year, so I was finally pushed to do my own website properly. That means dealing with my own WordPress installation, adding the proper plug-ins to making it look like what I really want! As I previously envisioned in my post Blogging 3.0 a year ago. And I am proud of the result 😀

http://razano.storytlr.com will no longer exist after Dec 31st, and I will keep http://razano.wordpress.com for a while ( Jan 31st, 2010) due to the fact that other websites/blogs link to it.

Let me know what you think!

Razan Khatib

Razan Khatib

Playing at the intersection of culture, technology, and values. Trying to structure my thoughts and share experiences, learnings, and insights. Co-founder of @spring_apps
Amman, Jordan