Resumé writing 2.0

Ok, I am really fed up with all the resumés I am getting. All with ms word pre-formatted sections! Here is my preferred outline:

First & Last names

Email + Mobile number

(I don’t need to know your middle name or your land line number, your postal address or where you live, if you are married or single, black or white, male of female and please No Picture! I like to be surprised!)

My Passion

(Need I say more?? What are you passionate about doing? design, programming, project management…etc.)

My Experience

(start with the last company/Projects you worked for first, fresh graduates can talk about their graduation project/paper and anything else they self learned, not a list of courses PLEASE)

Start date- End date      XYZ Company

The following are/were my responsibilities:

1. ……..

2. ………………..

What I know how to do very well


What I am planning to learn more about


Formal Education

xyz university – major/minor – graduation year

Total pages 1, 2 as a maximum!

That’s all i can think about for now. ideas are welcome!

Razan Khatib

Razan Khatib

Playing at the intersection of culture, technology, and values. Trying to structure my thoughts and share experiences, learnings, and insights. Co-founder of @spring_apps
Amman, Jordan