Who are you?

When the tides move against the well of a being thriving to change a life made of a dream of being forever content with what they have yet to achieve. A desire to

April 1st

As the world celebrates April’s fools’ day, I set and contemplate how that day in 2005 got forever changed for me. It will always remind me of the first time I lost

broadband living

The buzz word is not the internet this time around; its “broadband” and the state of “living” online thanks to Instant Messaging solutions like MSN, Yahoo and AIM. The Status features and Personal

Fractions of a being

For the most part, we are and we become. The different seasons of our lives evolve into new grounds and forthcoming adventures. We revolve around ourselves to discover and be. For the most

An Invitation

I watched an incredible film the other day called “What the Bleep Do We Know” it’s a very interesting documentary about Quantum Physics, the physics of endless possibilities, a must see I


Consider a structure, an outline where anarchy replaces customary pillars of systematic existence between beings, shapes and colors. A form of living whereby every moment defines it self; facts are non- existent and

brand new eyes

I made it and moved to Toronto, Canada [http://thewebsessed.com/2005/05/21/brand-new-eyes/] as of May 2nd, 2005. So far the experience was so enriching on so many levels most importantly